Fall in Tokyo led quickly to Christmas...
Roppongi night views
Christmas Day night downtown
the highlight downtown for these gals
gingerbread house creations
the finished products!
flight over Tokyo for these boys!
morning smiles
Happy Birthday!
Tommy had a sleepover and a night out with these two friends Tiege and Max to celebrate
Couldn't resist adding this picture of Stanley
helping me chop onion. This was his solution to watery eyes
At Tokyo Sealife with my eldest...
I try to stay away from this place, but I love seeing these ladies smiling faces
Living in Japan during chilly days, good ramen is the best!
proud to be holding a real gun for color guard training
We went to a washi paper shop where we could make our own washi paper
It was fascinating!
decorating the wet paper, so the leaves could dry into it
a fun afternoon with friends
So there you have it...2 months at a glance...I won't let so much time drag on next time!