Saturday, September 21, 2013

Birthday and reality

What a crazy couple of weeks.  I always intended to do updates of the week on Sunday evenings, but as the last few weeks came and went I just couldn't do it.  I remember telling many people as we prepared for this move I would be fine but I worried how the children would adjust.  Instead, now that we are here, they are thriving and I am struggling to find my place.  The homesickness on some days is just so completely overwhelming I can not bear to think of the morrow.  What on earth am I doing in Japan?  Honestly, I never had any desire to see this part of the world, much less live here.  So as the days went by, I knew any post I did would be wretchedly depressing.  Thankfully, life has been very busy!

Our Stanley turned 7 on the 9th and as he anxiously counted down the days I worried about how he would be on his actual day.  All his previous birthdays have been filled with family and parties, this one would be much different.  Thankfully he took it all in stride, and after talking to Laura (his dear
cousin) on the phone, he deemed it to be almost as good a birthday as he'd had in Ohio.  Cake and lego made all well in his world.  As we celebrate these milestones so far from all who we love and and hold dear to us, my heart breaks as you all mean so much to us. 

The day after Stanley's birthday our belongings arrived from Ohio.  Almost 2 months to the day of our departure.  It was a joyous day for the children, but a great sense of finality for us.  Bittersweet.  This last week has been spent unpacking and settling in.  How wonderful it was to sleep in our own beds again, and cook with my old pots and pans!

    Grandmas piano, all the way to Japan!

Each Friday I organize a Japanese adventure day with some ladies I have met on base.  This has been a good diversion for me, as we go and explore a different part of Tokyo each week.  The city is massive and I think it will take us a long time to see it all.  I will post pictures of our adventures soon, I hope to get a good feel for this city so I can show all my visitors Tokyo! (hint hint, come visit!}

Lastly, Tommy and Stanley took part in their first triathlon here in Japan.  They had to swim for 100m, bike 5 miles, and run 1 mile.  They had a blast and I have to say I was proud of them!  Tommy said he felt 'like a champion' and Stanley exclaimed 'I never gave up, not once!'

    Yup, that's me I ran with them!


                            Look who was at the finish line to cheer on the participants!

We'll be ok, so glad we are running this race with the Lord beside us...every step of the way.

1 comment:

  1. homesickness is so hard ... may you find your place and feel at home soon. i struggle with finding my place and i haven't even moved more than 100 miles! it takes time. hoping you have some way to treat yourself and give yourself space, even if it's chocolate and a good book, or something in that vein. glad you have a friday adventure group, that's a good thing :).
