Sunday, December 22, 2013

its these things

When we moved to Japan as is the obvious I knew no one.  The sense of overwhelming loneliness hit me almost as soon as we walked off the plane.  I was a stranger in a strange land.  But I am so incredibly thankful that the Lord has given me some truly wonderful friends.  Not just surface friends, but lifelong friends that I can share my joys and my struggles, laughter and tears.  I could never have dreamed this possible, and I am so very thankful for this.

One of these woman, Heather and I try to walk each Monday and Thursday as the weather and schedules allow.  We walk about  half of the perimeter of the flight line (the runway all the planes take off and land from).  She also has a little girl 3 years of age, and pushing her double stroller we set off.  It feels so good to get the walk in, to hear the little girls chatting and giggling, to watch the planes take off and land and to admire in awe the magnificent Mount Fuji in the distance.  But what I appreciate most is our talks about the Lord.  We share what we have been enjoying, and what we need prayer for with our children and husbands. She challenges me and holds me accountable and as I walk home with Audrey after we have completed our walk I feel refreshed and encouraged.

The Lord has been so good to me here, this is just one of too many to count!

                                                           Audrey and Sidney starting out

                                                             Audrey and Sidney upon our return

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