Monday, March 10, 2014

Exercise, exercise.exercise

No, these three words do not mean what you would think they would mean.  Yes, I try to exercise, and yes I should more, but this last week brought a whole new meaning to the word.

This past week the 374th airlift wing here at Yokota was going through an 'exercise' as they call it.  They are practicing and preparing for any emergency. Whether it be a chemical attack, bombing, invasion, or a natural disaster that may occur.  Anywhere we went on base 100% ID check was in place, even for piano lessons no less.  Loud speakers blared the words 'exercise, exercise, exercise' at all hours followed by a VERY loud siren.  They seemed particularly given to doing this at Audrey's nap time or the children's bedtime.

The actual exercise itself sounded quite interesting.  Men suited up in chemical gear, crouching under tables for hours, bringing in mortally wounded men for treatment en masse, or just plain old 'playing war' as they like to call it, kind of brings it home that I do live on a military base, and technically these things could happen.  I am appreciative in a whole new way what these men do for our country on a daily basis, and the steps they take to keep us safe.

                                                        View of Mount Fuji on my walk

 The planes were very busy this week, and I couldn't resist a few shots because they were so close to us.

Happy to pose!

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