Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hawaiian Paradise

The beginning of March brought Andrew and I a wonderful treat of being able to escape for a few days to Hawaii as he had to go there for some work related meetings.  Thanks to my great friend Jamie, who so kindly watched my kids for the entire time, we were able to get away, kid free, for the first time in almost 2 years!  This also marked the first time we would set foot on American soil since coming to Japan, and I was VERY excited about that!

But, I would have to say we had some culture shock.  Something I wasn't quite prepared for.  Being able to understand all the small snippets of conversation around me, just about drove me crazy.  I was kind of happy in my oblivious world here in Japan, and being able to tune in to everything I heard was hard.  Also, the food!  Very little of it looked good to did that happen?  I do not love Japanese food, I have come to tolerate, and like most of it, but I don't really crave for it.  I was shocked to find The Cheesecake Factory, and all the other big American stores looked very unappetizing!  What!  And the loud shrieking fire engines...I felt like a toddler covering my ears in terror for the loudness of it.  But sadly, the American manners, just in no way compare to Japan...several times I accidentally bumped someone, or wrongly went the wrong way in a line...and the dirty looks, disgusted glares totally did me in.  I wanted Japan!  Where everyone bows politely, and smiles no matter the offense...I realize these were the rich and snobby of Waikiki, but seriously!

But oh how we loved laying on the beach, snorkeling in Hanauma Bay, leisurely walking along the beach at night, enjoying quiet dinners, and just being alone.

On our way to airport

Upon arriving in Honolulu, the weather was uncharacteristically cool at 65.  Not really wanting to go to the beach we headed to Pearl Harbor to see the Missouri and Arizona Memorials. 
It was very sobering to be at the place that started WWII for the United States, and to stand on the deck of the Missouri where the signatures of surrender were inked.  Very powerful.

Heading onto the Missouri

I did not realize this battleship was used up into the Gulf War!
Her guns were impressive!

Spot of Surrender

A photo of the moment

On deck.  

At the USS Arizona Memorial

The list of those who served and died on the Arizona

That evening brought us back to Waikiki beach to enjoy the sunset.

Hanauma Bay snorkeling

Beach hopping

I learned to surf!  Yeah Baby!

Our first luau

I could have paddle boarded all day, every day

But I loved getting these sweet notes and pictures sent to me from Jamie...they warmed my heart...

Thanks Jamie!

Some of the stairs up Diamond Head

I wanted to forget that I have a half marathon to run in less than two months, but the jogging had to go on , and I found jogging over to the Diamond Head Crater a great work out, and the views of Honolulu well worth it!


But all good things must come to an end, and back to reality I went...

Just a few days after I got home marked the end of Audreys first year of Japanese pre-school.  
She really loves her Sensei, a wonderful, sweet Christian named Rikku

And Tommy was on duty for school cross guard that week, which he loved!

And this little lady is a complete bookworm!  Here she is on her way to meeting, (we took the train) and all she wanted to do was read the whole way.  To and from school...where ever we go this is what she does.

Life is back to normal, and if I have come to realize one thing this month...Japan is home.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

February 2015

I am not sure where February went, and I so wish Tokyo would have experienced some kind of winter this year.  But I guess its not to be as the cherry trees have their buds on them, the plum blossoms are showing their beautiful purple colors everywhere, and spring flowers have been here for weeks already.  The children have had a busy month of art shows, cub scout advancements, and the always popular Valentines Day at school were our monthly highlights.

Audrey had a little art show at her school, she made a cookie the day before and gave it to me when I arrived

Her picture is the one on the bottom right, in the corner.  I loved all her color!

I loved this, each child made fruit for the tree, origami flowers, painted leaves, and stuffed sweet potatoes to complete this picture.  Not bad for 3-4 year olds.

teaching calligraphy young

This little lady got a real box of chocolates and a teddy bear from her 'friend' at school for Valentines Day.  Oh my

Stanley earned his wolf badge in cub scouts!

Ant Tommy his webelos 1

Tommy receiving an award for trustworthiness at school

The life of the military brat never ceases to amaze me.  One of Stanleys good friends moves to Oklahoma this week, we will be sad to see Caleb go

And lastly since winter hasn't visited us, we had to go find it this year.  We spent the day sledding on Mount Fuji with great friends.  So glad to have this option!

Growing too fast!

missing my mom when I see these...

Yes spring is here, plum blossoms at a local temple bursting with color!

I am looking forward to this beautiful season in Japan...for i know I will long for it someday...