Friday, April 24, 2015

DMZ day 2

The number 1 thing I wanted to do here in South Korea was head up to the demilitarized zone on the border with North Korea.  In one particular spot you can go to where the North/South have their meetings and actually stand in North Korea.  Unfortunately you have to be 10 years old to see that place called the JSA, but we saw what we could with our kids.

in front of an old bullet ridden train used in the war

Audrey was photographed CONSTANTLY here

they were all waiting their turn for a picture with her

where POW's were exchanged after the war.  Note the barbed wire fence.
There was barbed wire everywhere

Pyeongyang!  This is the last train station before you get to the north...

Our view of North Korea...we could see 2 towns, but you couldn't get great pictures of them.

We also went down to see the tunnels that North Korea has dug to the South.  But alas all those photos were lost...

all tuckered out

For dinner we met up with an old high school friend of Andrews for dinner.  Anthony Lichi.  He works for the Navy and are currently stationed in Soeul.  This photo was taken very near their house.
They have great views of the city.

8 kids on a white couch, what could possibly go wrong?
Thankfully nothing!

We had a wonderful evening with this family, hope they make it to Japan soon!

1 comment:

  1. That pic of you guys in front of Seoul tower is perfection!
