Monday, August 10, 2015

Molly turns 7

Molly turned 7.  I don't even know how that is possible.  I can hardly believe she was Audreys age when we moved here.  She is my introverted, but sweet, saucy, stubborn and has the ability to melt my heart with one look of those big blue eyes.

We had a few of the neighbor kids over for her birthday and we celebrated her.

On her actual birthday morning we were camping with the boy scouts.  Not exactly how she would have chosen to spend her day, but she still had a great time.

traditional birthday doughnut.  Audrey wanted Molly's...

my precious jewels

But this is my Molly, she is such a bookworm...its ALL she really wants to do.

She still looks alot like her cousin Christian, but it many ways her temperament is all Allan.

I love you my little ray of sunshine...keep shining for Jesus.

Monday, July 13, 2015

June 2015

June has been tough.  I am not going to lie.  I always used to eagerly anticipate the end of the school year, but not here, not with the inevitable goodbyes that come with this time of year. I have been dreading it for months.
Andrew was back in Ohio for a few weeks, and the kids found it very difficult to have him away.  Especially knowing where he was...seeing family, old friends, and our old way of life.  While he was away, the older three had their last day of school, and Tommy and Stanley said goodbye to some good friends.  Tears flowed daily, and I was so happy to have my husband home again to help dry their tears.

Here are some glimpses into our month...

Last day with her great teacher Mrs. Utley

With Mrs.Piddington

Mrs. Brobrowski

The kids were all fortunate to have great teachers this year, all of these teachers have military husbands and will be here just a couple years, which is sad because I would love to have them again

Last day

Growing like weeds

Stanley had to say goodbye his last week of school to his good friend Gunnar who is moving to Boston.  These two were almost inseperable, and Stanley has been missing him alot.  Every morning they walked to school together, and countless hours were spent playing soccer, football, and hockey outside.  Stanley joined the swim team this summer, and its helped him so much in keeping his mind off of it.  But he is still sad.  And my heart hurts for him


I also said goodbye to this special lady.  Just writing this makes me choke up.  She has meant more to me here at Yokota than I could ever express.  Her friendship, encouragement, listening ear, beaming smile...the memories I will always treasure!  Thanks for everything Heather!

All our kids at the terminal before she left

But June had its happy moments, the boys crossed over to the next level in boy scouts, Audrey celebrated her birthday at school, and we enjoyed happy days with friends.  So thankful for what we have, and so thankful that our God is always with matter our location!

Crossing from Webelos 1 to Webelos 2

My proud bear scout!

Ice cream happiness!

Zoo fun!

Happy birthday!

School celebration

Happy girl

They are growing like weeds...looking forward to another summer with my precious jewels, we have each other!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sisters fun

Can they come back now?  Audrey keeps asking me this question, and it hurts to have to tell her that Aunt Coralie and Aunt Bethany probably won't be coming back anytime soon.  It was so so good to have them, it was perfect timing in so many ways, and am beyond thrilled they came.

here are some of the highlights of their trip...

We went to the Grand Sumo Tournament the day after they arrived, a true Japanese experience, it was like no other sporting event in the world I am sure.

my new friend

Angry bird dressed as a sumo wrestler.

Bungee Jumping!

A true bonding experience, my spirit truly melted within me as I was standing on that platform.
Was it fun ?  Yes, 
Would I do it again....hmmmm

Canyoning in Minakami

Stayed overnight in a Japanese Ryoken with some very authentic japanese food, and soaked in some amazing onsen...

breakfast of champions

I am getting rather fond of the Japanese onsens, even the naked part of it.

This place was absolutely stunning

From the time you arrive, until the time you leave all you wear is your yukata.   And wooden sandals

Miss them!

Tokyo selfie

Showa park poppies

Cramming in a cab

Lunch with owls anyone?

Mount Fuji Fifth Station

eating surprisingly good, Fuji cakes...on Mt Fuji

High ropes adventurers

Beautiful shrine at the base of Mt. Fuji

It was whirlwind trip, with some fantastic memories for me...It was just what I needed to help me through the next few weeks...