Saturday, January 11, 2014


January 1.  Wow where did the year go?  Have we really been here six months already?  Since day 1 our children have wanted to get a chance to go up Mount Fuji.  The iconic volcano is really spectacular from here on base, especially on clear days and when I told them that today we were going sledding on her they were SO excited.  Its a little bit of a trek for sledding, some 90 minutes, but the kids were ready, and we were as well to have some fun in the white stuff!

When I looked at the sledding hill I thought it looked rather small for what I was expecting.  But I was wrong, that hill was actually excellent.  The best part I think, was the moving sidewalk to bring you up the hill again.  No whining about tired legs on this day!

                                                                 Happy Girl!

                                                                         Loving it

No walking this time!

And I got to ski!  For the first time in almost 12 years.  It was heavenly.  I had honestly forgotten how much I loved it.  The hill wasn't nearly as good as I have heard many of the resorts are, but for those of you familiar with Wentworth, I would say it is similar in height and difficulty.  The conditions were perfect, and it was without doubt the highlight of my day.

                                                  At the base, family shot.


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