Sunday, February 16, 2014


Over the years I have so many wonderful memories of taking my children to Summit Mall, or Chapel Hill to drink Starbucks and chat with Julie over our daily life as moms with young children.  Those days were so fleeting, and how I wish we could still do it with Caroline and Audrey.  The mall playground was just a small area with various items to climb and slide upon, but always served its purpose and the kids loved it.

Here in Japan they have a similar such area for children.  However, I am ever so glad we came here after those years for fear my children would never be satisfied again.  This last Friday I took the children here to Bourneland, the play area at the mall, to kill some time as we were all feeling very housebound, and Mommy needed a Starbucks fix

This is what we found.....

a massive ballpit/jungle gym

                                      climbing wall

                                                           before...they even have staff employed to play with your child!

                                           Audrey always seems to make a Japanese friend everywhere we go....

So Julie, come on over....I think our kids would be happy here all day!  

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