Sunday, February 2, 2014

saying goodbye

Saying goodbye has long been a part of a military families life.  My respect and appreciation for what these people go through and sacrifice grows all the time.  Every 2 years on average they pick up and relocate and make the best of their new surroundings .

When we first arrived in Yokota, in a fog of jet lagged exhaustion we stumbled out of our temporary living and down to the playground just outside our building to try and cope with the overwhelming emotions we were all experiencing.  After only being here only about 3 days Tommy and Stanley began playing with a boy named Kell on the playground and quickly struck up a friendship.  I, in turn started talking to his mother, who, like us had only been here a few short days.  Jenny, quickly began one of my closest friends here in Japan.  In those first few weeks we ventured out on many firsts together...taking trains, finding daiso, and joyful honda, making memories together, and relying on each other in this new land of craziness.  We are so alike in so many ways its almost unbelievable.  I have so cherished her friendship and will miss her so very very much as her husband got his own fighter wing in Idaho and they are moving today.  I know this is an incredible opportunity for David, her husband, but her absence will create a huge hole and I will surely miss her greatly.  She was only here 7 months, and now has to settle her 3 young children twice in less than a year.  Like I said, I don't know how they do it....David, Jenny, Kell, Aren, and Reid you will be sorely missed by the Kevers!

                                                      Jenny and I just before she left....

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