Monday, May 11, 2015

Sumo with the Kiyose

Tommy and Stanley both are in cub scouts here at Yokota Air Base.  They have gotten to see and experience some pretty neat things on the base, but they also have had a great time getting to know some of the Japanese packs off base who we do events with several times a year.  A couple weeks ago the Japanese hosted a sumo tournament for the boys.  We did not end up going to this event last year so were unsure what to expect.  We were surprised at how authentic they made it.  It mirrored very closely an actual tournament here in Japan, except the size of the wrestlers was a shade different.

Flags hung in recognition of the upcoming Boys Day on May 5,
these are hung all over Japan if you have a son

The ring

It started with a very elaborate blessing of the ring, complete with sake and salt by a priest
This made us a bit uncomfortable

showing their colors


and again


throwing salt into the ring is considered good luck before you fight, and the boys loved doing it


You win a fight in sumo, by forcing your opponent to step outside the ring, or by throwing them to the ground.  Stanley got very into it and did very well.  He came in 3rd overall

Gathering round

Even the pack leaders were good sports and tried their hand at it in the end.

The boys had a wonderful day, running around practically naked, wrestling, eating curry, and throwing salt...whats not to love?  I am pretty sure we will go again next year!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! This is hilarious and darling, all at the same time! All of these pics are just so priceless. A very unforgettable experience.
