Thursday, August 29, 2013

Nikko Edo

Last weekend we ventured off base to a beautiful part of Japan.  Nikko National Park is known for spectacular hiking, beautiful shrines, temples and hot springs.  We did none of the above.  We are going back the first weekend in October (Canadian thanksgiving) to see all of that.  This was just a day trip to a little village where the Japanese have recreated their way of life in the Edo time period.  From 1590 until the 1860's the samurai led this country.  This period abounded in ninjas, geishas, and all things I consider classic Japanese.  This village would be like Hale Farm  or Sherbrooke village, except in Japan.  There were amazing samurai battles, grand ninja demonstrations, and geishas performing throughout the day.  The kids loved it, and if any of you with kids come visit this would be a must see!

                                              Going for a ride

                                         Check out those platforms!

School began this week.  The kids are happy thus far and I am cautiously optimistic for the year.  Their day is from 8-2, with a 5 minute walk to and from so we love how fast the day seems to go for them.  Thankful!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer days

I have been dreading the return of the school year with every fiber of my being.  As these summer days wind down I want to make every day together with my kids extra special.  Yet, I know just doing the simple things with them, talking, laughing and spending time together is really what counts.  This week had a bit of everything.  Maybe that is my favorite.  Several days we relaxed at the pool, but we also spent time at some parks we had been to before with friends.

Most of you have heard of my ill fated trip to the Nippara Caverns so I shall not bore you with that.  I do plan on going back this week with a working camera and hopefully it goes a little better.
Today the kids and I, along with a friend I have spent a lot of time with recently Jenny, made our way downtown together to Tokyo Skytree and Sumida Aquarium.  I have been incredibly nervous about tackling this train/subway system.  We go to meeting every Sunday on it, and always seem to do something wrong on our transfers.  It is huge, busy, with multiple companies doing different routes that all come together in this crazy system that is very impressive with its speed, efficiency, and overall layout, if you can figure it out!  Well today I did!  Jenny and I have never done the trains together ( in fact she had never been on it yet, she's new too) and I felt extra pressure leading the way with her 3 kids as well.  It went without a hitch.  This is a feat I am so proud of!  I can do this!  Yay!  In rush hour no less on the return!!!

The Skytree was pretty cool.  It opened last year and is the tallest building in the world.  Surpassing the one in Dubai.  The boys loved it of course, and I have to say the 'local fish' section in the aquarium was a bit more impressive than Ohio's.  I now feel I can get into Tokyo with confidence so we'll be back!

Tokyo Assembly

On Saturday we invited our friends over from meeting for a traditional American meal.  They are wonderful people, and we are so thankful for them.

Standard fare at fellowship tea
Yesterday was fellowship tea which is always sushi...this is not rolls as I know it and can stomach.  We get it down, but it's an experience to say the least.

This is my last week before school begins...planning on enjoying it!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Feeling like normal

This week was one of those weeks that started with big plans to get out and explore.  However, with temperatures of 95 and up every day with 100 percent humidity, we opted for a low key week at the pool.
Tommy auditioned for, and got a part in a play this week.  The Mazoulis children's theater was here on base for their annual production.  They are a traveling group that go to various military bases all over the world, and for 1 week they work with the children and put on a play after 5 days of practice.  Tommy was rather skeptical and really wasn't really into it, but he made a few friends, and in the end liked it.  The play was Jack and the Beanstalk, and shocker (for those of you who know my boy) he was a clown.

While Tommy spent his mornings there, the rest of us continued our off base explorations for parks off the base.  Like I mentioned earlier it was unbelievably hot, and by the time we came home, we were running for our swimsuits.  We did find 2 more marvelous parks, one called the Kabokuen roller slide which was exactly that.  It was a slide built onto the side of a hill about 250 meters long.  You had to sit on cardboard to go down it (your backside gets a little tingly!).   Also we found an obstacle course park that the children LOVED.  I could hear them shrieking with delight as they raced on ahead of me...
Tommy, understandably, was bitterly disappointed by this and my mommy nerves are shot.  I am looking forward to having them all with me next week under my wing, with no bickering and gloating going on over who did and who didn't do what...

This week I really want to make it into Tokyo, on the train, and venture a little further off base to kamakura and the beach....lets see if my kids let me!!!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Showa Kinen

Today we went off base and found a wonderful park which I am sure will be the sight of many more family picnics with wonderful places to explore.  The kids loved it and so did I!
The Showa Memorial Park, also known simply as Tachikawa Park has 11 km of bike paths, beautiful grounds, nature information, marvelous play areas, tea houses, shrines, and a wonderful water park.
It used to be a Japanese Air Force base interestingly enough.
I am thrilled that this park is only about 10 min from Yokota...can't wait to go back!
                                          These floating 'hammocks' were a huge hit!

                                         These roller slides are everywhere here in Japan, I love em too!

                                          Dragon park, amazing mosaic details on each

                                          cooling off.........

                                          The bathrooms, take your shoes off!  Slippers were provided on the green mat

                                          Memorial garden

                                          Feeding the koi fish from our paddleboat, they swarmed our boat...fought with
                                          the ducks for a share