Thursday, August 29, 2013

Nikko Edo

Last weekend we ventured off base to a beautiful part of Japan.  Nikko National Park is known for spectacular hiking, beautiful shrines, temples and hot springs.  We did none of the above.  We are going back the first weekend in October (Canadian thanksgiving) to see all of that.  This was just a day trip to a little village where the Japanese have recreated their way of life in the Edo time period.  From 1590 until the 1860's the samurai led this country.  This period abounded in ninjas, geishas, and all things I consider classic Japanese.  This village would be like Hale Farm  or Sherbrooke village, except in Japan.  There were amazing samurai battles, grand ninja demonstrations, and geishas performing throughout the day.  The kids loved it, and if any of you with kids come visit this would be a must see!

                                              Going for a ride

                                         Check out those platforms!

School began this week.  The kids are happy thus far and I am cautiously optimistic for the year.  Their day is from 8-2, with a 5 minute walk to and from so we love how fast the day seems to go for them.  Thankful!

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