Sunday, August 11, 2013

Feeling like normal

This week was one of those weeks that started with big plans to get out and explore.  However, with temperatures of 95 and up every day with 100 percent humidity, we opted for a low key week at the pool.
Tommy auditioned for, and got a part in a play this week.  The Mazoulis children's theater was here on base for their annual production.  They are a traveling group that go to various military bases all over the world, and for 1 week they work with the children and put on a play after 5 days of practice.  Tommy was rather skeptical and really wasn't really into it, but he made a few friends, and in the end liked it.  The play was Jack and the Beanstalk, and shocker (for those of you who know my boy) he was a clown.

While Tommy spent his mornings there, the rest of us continued our off base explorations for parks off the base.  Like I mentioned earlier it was unbelievably hot, and by the time we came home, we were running for our swimsuits.  We did find 2 more marvelous parks, one called the Kabokuen roller slide which was exactly that.  It was a slide built onto the side of a hill about 250 meters long.  You had to sit on cardboard to go down it (your backside gets a little tingly!).   Also we found an obstacle course park that the children LOVED.  I could hear them shrieking with delight as they raced on ahead of me...
Tommy, understandably, was bitterly disappointed by this and my mommy nerves are shot.  I am looking forward to having them all with me next week under my wing, with no bickering and gloating going on over who did and who didn't do what...

This week I really want to make it into Tokyo, on the train, and venture a little further off base to kamakura and the beach....lets see if my kids let me!!!

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