Monday, September 1, 2014

Hanano Miyako Koen

A few weeks ago we spent the day with friends at Hanano Miyako Koen, for their sunflower festival.  Located very near the base of Mt. Fuji, we were hoping for clear views of the mountain, and a break from city life.

She delivered, but Fuji is not nearly as beautiful without its snow cap!

Trying to get a photo with these monkeys that day was almost impossible.

This was more up their alley

 We had just gotten our Nova Scotia shirts the day before from Aunt Kristi, so here they are in Japan!
Note it was about 100 degrees that day, and the girls managed to smile with their sweatshirts!

Just chilling

On the grounds there was a lovely greenhouse with beautiful orchid displays...

but we loved this waterfall we came across with hydrangeas growing everywhere around it

Molly at the top

We ended the afternoon with a swim in Lake Yamanaka.  One of Fujis five lakes, it is quite warm due to the rising magma underneath.  Water levels are rising, and they are watching it closely for signs of a volcanic eruption.

The areas around Fuji are one of my favorite areas of Japan to explore.  Its so vastly different from Tokyo, and yet so close....throw in any flower festival to enjoy and I'll be there!

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