Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hakone Yunesson

From lake Ashi we went to the Hakone hot springs resort.  The resort is supplied with the natural springs in the area, and is very well known for mixing its springs with various other type drinks.  The resort is split into two separate areas, one area for swimsuits, the other for going it in the buff.  The Japanese typically go to hot springs or 'onsen' in the nude so I was rather relieved to know they had a bathing suit area.

The children had a great time going from onsen to onsen, and it was a very unique experience to say the least.

This was their 'cold tea' hot spring

Roman themed baths

Softening their feet, preparing for Dr. Fish

hundreds of little fish nibbled on the dead skin of your feet.  This tickled!
But our feet felt so smooth afterwards!

Green tea.  Audrey wanted to drink the whole pool

Coffee.  This was most definitely the strongest smelling spring...

And wine

Another tea pool

Yes, that is a real tea pot

And the favorite was the outdoor water slide.  This is Stanley

I did not get pictures of the sake onsen, or the dead sea 'salt water' onsen for some reason.  
This was a very unique Japanese experience not to be forgotten, that the kids are dying to get back to!

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