Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Molly turns 6

Molly by far has struggled the most to our life in Japan.  Sometimes I wonder if she will ever come to love and enjoy this country.  She turned 5 just days after we arrived last July, and we just celebrated her 6th on the 19th.  She loves to read, write, color, create, and imagine all sorts of stories in her head and create them in her room.  I often come across very elaborate set ups of characters, and she always has a great story to go with it.

I love her dearly, and my heart breaks for her.  She especially misses our Cuyahoga Falls church family, and her cousins back in Ohio.  She was sooo excited for this birthday, and as most 6 year olds do, was counting down the days for months.

We always start our birthdays with a birthday donut...

Going to the mail yielded 6 cards, and 2 packages!  I have never had so many arrive all on the same day before!

Dinner was, not surprisingly, hamburgers and hotdogs, as American as you can get!
A 'frozen' themed chocolate cake was a must...

6 years old!

We had our good friends the Cowans over for ice cream and cake to help celebrate, and believe it or not this was the best picture of about 10.

I hope this next year is better for her, and that perhaps she will learn to find joy in our journey here in Japan...

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