Thursday, April 24, 2014

thinking of you Dad Kever

Thinking of you so so much Dad Kever in these last few days.  We have all been praying for you and you are never very far from our thoughts.  I feel like I check my email every 5 minutes for updates, and we all are praying for you and mom specially.

Back when we were in Ohio you always came to the big spring concert to hear your grandchildren sing and see the artwork on display at the same time.  Here in Japan, while they did not have a concert they did have an art festival, and I wanted you to see some of the artwork your grandchildren have been working on this year.  Nothing was separated by class or grade, you literally had to look at each picture, or piece of pottery etc. to find your childs.  It was kind of nice actually, as it forced you to admire everything, and not just one area.  I thought it was very well done, and was so impressed one man could teach all these children...
Being the art teacher you were...this is for you.

Art everywhere!

clay masks

pottery bowls

Stanley's is on the right with the blue lid

thought these were cool...

One of Tommys

and again


Guess who did this one?

and again, his is the tulip

Molly's ice cream cone

self portrait

Tommy's clay flower

clay rolled heart by Molly

Mollys art

I cannot wait to hang these on my you know dad I love art...and I hope an artist emerges from one of my 4!   

We love you...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Azalea Festival, Nezu Shrine

When 3000 azalea bushes start to compete the result can be quite beautiful.  The Nezu shrine here in Tokyo has a garden that does just that.  Being a Tuesday I was very surprised at how busy it was.  I suppose I should never underestimate crowds here in Japan.  No matter the day.  But my love of azaleas began in Grandmas front yard on Highbridge Road.  She had a big beautiful pink one that just burst with color every May.  I can't say they are a very beautiful bush when they are not blooming, but I love when they do.  So when I heard of this festival I had to go.

Main entrance

Not nearly as impressive as Kyotos Torii gates, but still pretty

droves of people

In full bloom

This shrine was extremely busy a little to my surprise for people saying their prayers.  The line was easily 300 deep, this is the a view of the line up to the outer wall.

Inside view

From here I went over to the Yasakuni shrine as its been a hive of activity as of late.  It is a highly controversial shrine to the dead who lost their lives in Japanese wars.  China and Korea are always watching to see if the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is going to pay his respects. The political controversy began  in 1978, when fourteen class A was criminals were among the 2.5 million people enshrined at Yasakuni.  This week the prime minister sent a special gift to the shrine and sent several law makers yesterday.

Next to the shrine stands the Yushukan, a museum that commemorates and documents Japans wars from the right wing.  Very pro Japan and utterly fascinating.


The many media vehicles

I was actually very glad to not have a little one underfoot for this day was quite a bit of walking and train hopping...but worth it.

Chureito Pagoda

Last Friday I went with my good friend Jamie to the much photographed Chureito Pagoda about an hour from base.  I could hardly bear the thought of going alone without my little Audrey, so I pulled Molly from school and had her come with us.  She unfortunately, hardly thought it worth visiting, but I was just glad to have a little hand to hold.

This Pagoda is in many photos with Mount Fuji in the distance framed by either cherry blossoms or autumn reds.  We were hoping for a good clear view of Fuji when we went, and this is what we saw.

If you look closely, and I mean can see a faint outline of her on the left.
We were very disappointed, but the cherry blossoms were beautiful at the higher elevation.

See, and this is what we were supposed to see!   Beautiful eh?

This is boring mom!

At the entrance, before the long walk up

There was a class trip here that day.  Here they are washing before going to pray at the shrine.

Saying their prayers to the gods.  They teach them young.
I always find this so sad.

Jamie and I had a fun day, as we always do, but I think we will have to come back to see the full effect.  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Tulips at Showa Kinen

Last Saturday brought me back to our favorite park here in Japan.  Just 10 minutes from base, it has amazed me in all seasons.

The gardens were breathtaking

Stanley spent most of our lunch catching lizards

Octopus for lunch

We all love Japanese style bikes, they are fiercely expensive so we always rent at this park, but they ride so smooth!

Pray for all of us on this journey in Japan.  It may all look like fun and adventure, but we miss home horribly and each day presents its own challenges.  But we are trying to make the most of it.